Special Olympics North America Stride Challenge

Eight week challenge encourages Special Olympics Athletes to stay active this fall

Special Olympics North America and the United States Leadership Council (USLC) Sport Committee Fitness Task Force are pleased to launch the SONA Stride Challenge.

This 8-week distance challenge encourages Special Olympics athletes, as well as their family and friends from across the SONA Region to get and stay active this fall.

From October 19 through December 13, participants will track how far they walk, run or roll in their wheelchairs as part of a Region-wide competition.

Registrations is now open for all Special Olympics athletes across the SONA Region to register as an individual or part of a Unified pair. Family, friends and supporters can also participate as a Unified partner teamed up with a Special Olympics athlete.

After registering, participants will use Strava (or a similar app, but we encourage Programs and participants to use Strava) to track their distance. Each week, they will self-report their distance via a SmartSheet survey, earning them a coveted spot on the Region-wide leaderboard. All participants will receive a Special Olympics pin.

Each week, participating Programs will receive a report of participant information in order to verify participant-reported data through their Strava Club page.


WHAT: SONA Stride Challenge, an 8-week distance challenge to walk, run or roll in a wheelchair.

WHO: Special Olympics athletes can register as an individual or part of a Unified pair with a family member, friend or other supporter from any Program in the SONA Region.

WHY: Let’s make sure the entire SONA Region gets (and stays) active this fall!

WHERE: https://tinyurl.com/SONAStride

WHEN: Participant registration is now open. The SONA Stride Challenge runs October 19 – December 13, 2020.

HOW: After registering, participants keep track of the distance they run, walk or roll in their wheelchairs via Strava. Each week, they will self-report their distance via a SmartSheet survey, earning them a coveted spot on the Region-wide leaderboard.


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