Both bring valuable business backgrounds and community leadership to the team

President and CEO Jamie Heckerman announced the addition of Denise Hardin and DeMario Vaughn as Executive Board Members for Special Olympics Arizona.

Both Denise and DeMario bring valuable business backgrounds and community leadership to the SOAZ Board of Directors group, who play a key role in the success and growth of Special Olympics Arizona.

Hardin is a Senior Vice President for State Farm Insurance (West Central Area Market), growing with the company since joining the team in 1989. She also is a member of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFI) and GAMA International, and is an Advisory Board Member of the State Farm Center for Women and Financial Services at The American College.

Vaughn is a Community Relations Manager with Mercy Care, focusing on building up the Mercy Care community and within communities that Mercy Care serves. He manages employee engagement activities, negotiates sponsorship participation, educates community members on Mercy Care’s various service offerings, and manages marketing and promotional initiatives. He also is a certified probation officer and certified Juvenile Intensive Probation Supervision (JIPS) officer.

“Our board members play such a key role in the continued growth and development of Special Olympics Arizona and we are extremely thankful for all they do,” Heckerman said. “We are proud and excited to bring aboard Denise and DeMario to the Special Olympics Arizona family and look forward to working with them.”

Welcome to the SOAZ family Denise and DeMario!

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