A Personal Insight from the Athlete Leadership Council (ALC)

Saul Lugo
Specialist, Athlete Leadership

Special Olympics Arizona’s (SOAZ) Athlete Leadership Program empowers athletes to develop their skills, utilize their voices, influence change, educate, and become leaders in their communities. 


The Athlete Leadership Program is an inclusive program by athletes for athletes and showcases athletes’ leadership talents. Athlete Leaders promote positive leadership for all involved with Special Olympics Arizona.

Athlete Leaders will encourage, support, inspire, motivate, and provide opportunities for meaningful inclusion throughout SOAZ. Athlete Leaders drive the direction of SOAZ’s programs, engage in speaking opportunities to spread awareness, and educate various communities on the importance of inclusion

Athlete Leaders create an inclusive community where individuals are not defined by their disability
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Contest winner
Athlete Leadership Ronny Jones 2019
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Sean Conkey

Sean Conkey

President, Athlete Leadership

Mike Tom

Mike Tom

Vice President, Athlete Leadership

haley soaz

Haley James

Secretary, Athlete Leadership


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Special Olympics Arizona’s Athlete Leadership Council (ALC) is comprised of a group of athletes who meet regularly, using a well-thought-out agenda, to discuss SOAZ topics important to them and to make recommendations to the area and state program leadership.

In these meetings, the ALC discusses opportunities for athlete leadership like tabling events at area competitions, attending or hosting trainings, and speaking opportunities with community partners. Athletes participating in the ALC have opportunities to improve leadership and personal skills while also collaborating with their peers. This program is run and structured by athletes.

Meet Virtually through zoom: 1st Friday of Each Month with a Recap meeting the 3rd Thursday of each month. Links and reminders will be sent to athletes that are officially part of the ALC.

Reflections from Our Leadership Team

“I love being part of the Athlete Leadership Council because I love being a voice for other athletes. I love being on the Athlete Leadership Council because we have a say on what goes on at competitions. Being on the Athlete Leadership Council gives me a chance to volunteer at the state level”

Sean Conkey

sean soaz
table soaz

“The reason why I love participating with the Athletes Leadership Council is the new friends I have made and the great opportunity to be part of a committee for Special Olympics Arizona. It is rewarding to see all athletes smile when they get a medal or win prizes at the prize wheel”

Mike Tom

“I like being part of Athlete Leadership because I get to meet new friends and make Special Olympics an extra special place for people to come together”

Haley James

haley soaz
IMG 3191

“Being part of the Athletes Leadership Team has given me the opportunity to use the experience and skills gained through Athletes Leadership Training. In addition, engagements, law enforcement fundraisers, and the opportunity to use my voice at appearances on behalf of Special Olympics.”



Health Messengers are Athlete Leaders who are trained to serve as health and wellness leaders, educators, advocates, and role models within the SOAZ community as well as the community at large.

Health Messengers learn about, create, and spread health education information to their peers and the community through various events and trainings. SOAZ’s Health Messengers meet monthly using a well-thought-out agenda to discuss health topics important to athletes and make recommendations to the area and state leadership.
Lunch and learn 3.10.22
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Health Messengers
Health Messengers 2
Roxanne believes that by becoming a Health Messenger she can spread the word of health to other athletes by speaking to them and showing them how they can be healthier.
Conner believes it is important to be involved with health messengers because he likes to encourage athletes to have a positive view of themselves. Conner wants to be inclusive where all athletes can participate or learn health subjects such as sports, nutrition, hydration, and endurance.
conner soaz
paavlena soaz
Paavlena believes that it is important to spread the word about health with other athletes because many Special Olympic athletes struggle with basic health needs for themselves. Additionally, it’s important to Paavlena that athletes learn the importance of respecting their bodies and minds.


In this program medical students or future medical professionals get paired with Special Olympic athletes. This unique unified partnership gives both medical students and athletes the opportunity to learn from each other during monthly meetings to discuss health topics or health-related questions that athletes may have.

Giving athletes a medical resource that they can utilize to get health-related information. While giving the athlete practice speaking to a medical professional. This will help prepare future medical professionals on techniques or methods of working with vulnerable populations like individuals with ID. This program will typically run from August to April (Applying to Lead the Field Program August through October).

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Gold Sponsors

AZ LETR Logo Full Color
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TriDave Legacy Trust Logo
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az department of education
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Affirm Primary Logo Coral Red digital needs white background scaled
Just serve 1
Microsoft logo rgb c gray 1024x459 1
PSPMF Primary FullColor
SwireCC Logo2022 v1
Hometown Foundation Logo
MercyCare Charcoal.Violet
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Athlete Leadership

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