Join us in March and take the plunge (virtually)

Help us kick off 2021 with a fun online event to support the mission of Special Olympics Arizona. The global pandemic has made in-person events nearly impossible, so we thought why not try a slightly different spin on a longstanding Special Olympics tradition and host our first-ever Virtual Polar Plunge presented by Hastings & Hastings. Since we’re doing this virtually, we thought we’d invite the entire state of Arizona to join us. So, welcome to the 2021 Statewide Virtual Polar Plunge!

What is a “virtual” Polar Plunge?
During a standard Polar Plunge, participants raise money for Special Olympics Arizona and then meet at a local pool to celebrate the completion of the event by jumping into the cold water. A virtual Polar Plunge is the same thing, but instead of meeting at a community pool at the end of the event, you will be asked to “plunge at home” and take photos or videos to share online. If you have a backyard or community pool, dive in. If not, be creative. Take a cold shower, fill a bathtub with ice water and submerge yourself, have your kids or a friend hose you down in the front yard, or dump a bucket of ice water over your head. Be creative but be safe. And most of all, have fun.

Here’s How to Join in the Fun
Step 1. Click the event link and choose a virtual Polar Plunge from the list which will take you to a registration page. Choose to start a team, join a team, or plunge as an individual. Registration costs just $10.

Step 2. If you are starting a new team, invite your friends, family, and coworkers to join your team.

Step 3. Design your team or personal page however you like. Have fun with it. Include photos, set a fundraising goal, and be sure to share why you are participating in the 2021 Virtual Polar Plunge.

Step 4. Share the link to your page with your friends and family and ask them to support you in this fun event by making a donation. Using our fundraising service is simple and safe – all donations are made online through our secure payment processor.

Step 5. Join all Virtual Polar Plunge participants on March 20, 2021, and celebrate your fundraising success by plunging! Share some photos or videos on your social media pages and tag Special Olympics Arizona.

If you are unable to participate, consider making a donation to another team or individual or a general donation to Special Olympics Arizona. All funds raised during this event will benefit Special Olympics Arizona and funds can be directed to the area of the state you prefer.
Funds raised will stay in the area of the state that you select. If you’re unsure of which area you are in, CLICK HERE or send an email to Click on your area to register for the Polar Plunge:

Here’s What You Get
Raise $100 you will receive an official Special Olympics tumbler as a reward for participating. You will also receive one (1) entry into the prize draw

Raise $300 and you will receive an additional two (2) entries into the prize draw

For each $100 you raise above $300 you will get one (1) entry into the prize draw

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